Scope of Scholarship Program

The goal of The Camille Goblet Foundation (CGF) is to empower young women and support their research efforts in the fields of wildlife and environmental conservation. CGF Research Award proposals should be focused on objective scholarly research rather than commercial or political activity, social activism, or other non-academic goals. Amounts of awards will be determined individually and will not exceed $10,000 for Ph.D. and $5,000 for Master’s projects.

In loving memory of Camille Goblet


The CGF Research Award aims to meet specific research needs not covered by other supporting funds, including, but not limited to, special supplies, travel, and unanticipated expenses that would enhance the work. Specifically excluded are general financial support such as stipend, tuition, and living expenses (except in connection with supported travel).


Applicants must be enrolled, on a full-time basis, in a program leading to a graduate degree (Master’s or Doctoral). Grants are made directly to individual students, not to the students’ institutions.


The CGF Research Award will be granted to proposals that contribute to the conservation of a species that is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as ‘threatened’, ‘endangered’, or ‘critically endangered’. Priority will be given to proposals that focus on ‘critically endangered’ species. The research proposal should include background information providing the context of the study, a research question (in bold), and a clear proposed methodology with an approximate timeline for project completion. It is also important to communicate the importance of the research and how it fits into the context of the existing literature. Please cite relevant literature in the research proposal. Numerical superscript citations are encouraged to save space (e.g., 1). References may be included on a separate page and will not contribute to the 1-page limit for proposals.

Application requirements.

  • A one-page research proposal (12pt Times New Roman Font, single-spaced, 1-inch margins)
  • Budget proposal
  • Budget justification
  • A one-paragraph personal statement (300 words max)
  • A one-page resume
  • A copy of an official or unofficial transcript from the university where the applicant is currently enrolled as a student (letters of acceptance are permissible for students entering the first semester of their study program)
  • One letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor
  • One personal letter of recommendation


Grants will not exceed $10,000 for Ph.D. and $5,000 for Master’s projects. Every research proposal must have a brief budget proposal that clearly lists the funds requested and explains how the money will be allocated.

Items of equipment and special supplies are eligible, but the equipment should be expendable. Items that the institution ought to provide or that graduate students can be expected to own are not eligible. Items and services that will outlive the project are not considered expendable and are generally not eligible.

Travel for field research or to research facilities is generally eligible. Travel to consult with an expert practitioner may be considered.

The budget justification must explain how each budget item is required to complete the goals of the project and how the estimated costs in the budget were calculated. The justification must also state what other support has been sought or received for the work proposed, and what percentage of the total project budget the CGF will be contributing to. Budget justifications should not exceed one page.

Application Procedures

The entire application must be submitted by e-mail to

  • All application materials must be submitted in one combined PDF document in the following order:
    • Proposal
    • Budget
    • Budget Justification
    • Personal Statement
    • Resume
    • Letters of Recommendation (may be submitted separately)

The annual application window opens on January 1st and closes on February 28th at 11:59 pm PST. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Evaluation and Selection

Proposal finalists will be selected by the Foundation after evaluation and recommendation by panels chosen by the Foundation. Proposals will be judged on both substance and clarity. Failure to conform to the guidelines and budget requirements will disqualify the proposal; please review the proposal carefully before submitting it. Finalists will then be interviewed by the selection panel. Decisions of the Foundation are final and not subject to review. Awardees’ will be notified of their selection no later than the 1st of May. Recipients of grants will also receive a letter requiring a reply to the Foundation before funds will be disbursed.

Conditions of Award

CGF Research Award recipients are expected to provide a summary report of the results of the project in support of which they have received awards and to indicate how the award contributed to the project. This report is expected within one year of the date of the award, and the Foundation may post the report on its website. CGF Research Award recipients also must agree to have their likeness used on the CGF website, including a short video summarizing their research efforts and how the Foundation has supported their goals. Publications resulting from supported research must acknowledge the Camille Goblet Foundation’s support.